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Archaeo-Oriental seminar

The Archaeo-Oriental Studies entered its second phase and with it, also the format of the Archaeo-Oriental Seminar changes. Starting from October 2024, the seminar will have the form of discussion centered around a single topic which are “dirty words”, that is, terms that have been used in the academic discourse but are – this or that way – problematic.

Also the seminar’s venue changes: no more online meetings; we invite you to the atmospheric reading room in the new seat of the Faculty of Oriental Studies (Hoża 69).

Unchanged remains the schedule: you can join us every first (or last) Monday of the month, at 15:00. Recordings of the seminar will be uploaded here.

RecordingsLecturesLecturesSeminars 2024/20252023/20242022/20232021/2022
…a zwłaszcza zawłaszcza… Czym jest zawłaszczenie kulturowe?

Unboxing archeologa

Who finds ‘tribe’ offending?

History – whose it is?

Orient(al studies) – Is it forever…?

Prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena), Mearg Abay Abebe (Mekelle University):  Heritage damage assessment and help war victims in Ketema Ra’esi

Ms. Weronika Kul, MA: Znaczenie gryzoni w kulturze starożytnego Egiptu

Prof. Miroslav Bárta (Czech Institute of Egyptology, Director of the Abusir mission): Latest exploration in North Saqqara necropolis

Prof. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW) and Dr. Tomasz Michalik (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW):  Jak wiedza wpływa na postrzeganie zabytków? Pilotażowe badania eye-trackingowe nad analizą średniowiecznej sztuki nubijskiej

Dr. Ahmed Shokry Omar (Department of Underwater Archaeology, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Alexandria, Egypt): Maritime Archaeology in Egypt, 1996-2023

Dr. Magdalena Pinker (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Dr. Mariusz Drzewiecki (PCMA UW): Główna brama Al-Mahdiyyi i jej znaczenia w kontekście początków dynastii Fatymidów

Dr. Joanna Ciesielska (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Agnes Dudek (Adam Mickiewicz Institute): Keepers of Tradition: Communicating status via attire among Sudanese women

Dr. hab. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW): Body politic vs. body natural. A case of expression of indigenous identity of Nubian rulers

Dr. Tomasz Michalik (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Between mental and material heritage. Perception of medieval Nubian paintings by Sudanese and Western people – eye-tracking study

Dr. Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): (In)Visible People: A bioarchaeological perspective on power, status, and children in the ancient Nile Valley

Dr. Andreas Winkler (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW): Ordering the sky: Legitimacy and tradition in ancient Egyptian astral science

Dr. hab. Kamil Kuraszkiewicz (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW): Pharaoh’s Immortality Machine. Funerary complex of Netjerykhet and ancient Egyptian concepts of afterlife

Kinga Turkowska, MA (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW): The monument of “Our Struggle” (Tiglachin) as an Ethiopian lieux de mémoire and its symbolic power

Prof. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW): Manifestations of the postcolonial conflicts reflected in the costumes of African leaders

Dr. Robert Mahler (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): People of power in the bioarchaeological perspective

Prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena/Mekelle University): Local political traditions in the context of Ethiopian cartography – the use of maps in historical policymaking in the 19th and 20th centuries

Dr. Magdalena M. Woźniak (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Textiles for the king. An investigation of costume and identity in medieval Nubia

Dr. Magdalena Pinker (Faculty of Oriental Studies), dr Mariusz Drzewiecki (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Symbolika bram Kairu (Symbolism of the Gates of Cairo)

Dr. hab. Anna Wodzińska (Faculty of Archaeology / Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Badania archeometryczne w Egipcie (Archaeometric Analyses in Egypt)

Dr. Tomasz Michalik (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Jak zobaczyć przeszłość? Badania nad wzrokowymi strategiami analizy danych archeologicznych (How to see the past? Studies on visual strategies of archaeological data analysis)

Dr. Karel Inemée (Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam): The non-verbal communication of costumes of authority

Dr. hab. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW): Nubian Authorities in Painted Church Decoration

Dr. Robert Stark (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Old Dongola: Bioarchaeological Studies

Dr. hab. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Faculty of Archaeology, UW): Nowy obszar badań w bioarcheologii: połączenie histologii z metodami izotopowymi (A New Area of Research in Bio-archaeology: a combination of histology with isotopic methods)

Dr. Ewa Paśnik-Tułowiecka (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Dr. Marta Żuchowska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW): Wstępne badania nad jaskiniami medytacyjnymi w Górnym Mustangu (Preliminary Study on Meditation Caves of Upper Mustang)

Prof. Piotr Taracha (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW): Wielki król kraju Hattusa. Pozycja społeczna i religijna władcy hetyckiego, zasady sukcesji, ideologia władzy królewskiej (The great king of the land of Hattusa. The social and religious position of the Hittite ruler, the principles of succession, the ideology of royal power)

Dr. Javad Hoseinzadeh Sadati (Department of Archaeology, University of Kashan): Archaeological Heritage Management: Some Experiences from Sialk, Iran

Dr. hab. Krzysztof Jakubiak (Faculty of Archaeology, UW): Przypuszczalne przyczyny i konsekwencje ekspansji królestwa Urartu w kierunku doliny Araksu (Presumed causes and consequences of the expansion of the kingdom of Urartu towards the Araks Valley)

Daniel Takács, MA (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW): Liminality in ancient Egypt

Maciej Wyżgoł, MA (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW): Badania domostw w Starej Dongoli w okresie Fundż (Research on houses in Old Dongola during the Funj period)

Prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena): Ethnohistorical research in the ancient highlands of Tigray – methods and results

  • 7 October 2024: Orient(al studies) – is it forever…? Introduction: Prof. Agata Bareja-Starzyńska (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Prof. Krzyszof Jakubiak (Faculty of Archaeology, UW).
  • 4 November 2024: History – whose it is? Introduction: Dr. Magdalena Pinker (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW and National Museum in Warsaw) and Prof. Kamil Kuraszkiewicz (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW).
  • 2 December 2024: Who finds ‘tribe’ offending? Introduction: Prof. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Dr. Piotr Cichocki (Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, UW).
  • 13 January 2025: Archaeologist’s unboxing. Introduction: Prof. Artur Obłuski (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW) and Prof. Kamil Kuraszkiewicz (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW).
  • 3 March 2025: …a zwłaszcza zawłaszcza… What is cultural appropriation and how this term can be applied to Asian and African cultures (the seminar will be held in Polish). Introduction: Dr. Jakub Taylor (Department of Korean Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies) and Olgierd Uziembło (Department of Sinology, Faculty of Oriental Studies).
  • 9 October 2023: Dr. hab. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW), Body politic vs. body natural. A case of expression of indigenous identity of Nubian rulers – abstract (PDF).
  • 6 November 2023: Dr. Joanna Ciesielska (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Agnes Dudek (Adam Mickiewicz Institute), Keepers of Tradition: Communicating status via attire among Sudanese women – abstract (PDF).
  • 4 December 2023: Dr. Magdalena Pinker (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW) and Dr. Mariusz Drzewiecki (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Główna brama Al-Mahdiyyi i jej znaczenia w kontekście początków dynastii Fatymidów (in Polish: The Main Gate of al-Mahdiyya and its Meanings in the Context of the Beginnings Fatimid Dynasty)  – abstract (PDF).
  • 15 January 2024: Dr. Ahmed Shokry Omar (Department of Underwater Archaeology, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Alexandria, Egypt) Maritime Archaeology in Egypt, 1996-2023abstract (PDF).
  • 22 January 2024: Prof. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW) and Dr. Tomasz Michalik (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Jak wiedza wpływa na postrzeganie zabytków? Pilotażowe badania eye-trackingowe nad analizą średniowiecznej sztuki nubijskiej  – abstract (PDF).
  • 4 March 2024: Prof. Salima Ikram (American University in Cairo), KV63: Potency and Power in Deathabstract (PDF).
  • 8 April 2024: Prof. Miroslav Bárta (Czech Institute of Egyptology), Latest exploration in North Saqqara necropolis – abstract (PDF).
  • 6 May 2024: Ms. Weronika Kul, MA: Znaczenie gryzoni w kulturze starożytnego Egiptu (in Polish: The Meaning of Rodents in the ancient Egyptian Culture) – abstract (PDF).
  • 3 June 2024: Prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena), Mearg Abay Abebe (Mekelle University): Heritage damage assessment and help war victims in Ketema Ra’esiabstract (PDF).
  • 26 September 2022: dr hab. Anna Wodzińska (Faculty of Archaeology/Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Archaeometric analyses in Egypt – abstract (PDF)
  • 24 October 2022: dr Magdalena Pinker, prof. Katarzyna Pachniak (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), dr Mariusz Drzewiecki (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Symbolika bram Kairuabstract (PDF)
  • 7 November 2022: dr Magdalena Woźniak (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Textiles for the king – an investigation of costume and identity in medieval Nubia – abstract (PDF)
  • 28 November 2022: Prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena/Mekelle University), Local political traditions in the context of Ethiopian cartography – the use of maps in historical policymaking in the 19th and 20th centuries – abstract (PDF)
  • 5 December 2022: dr. hab. Andrzej Drozd (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Figuralizm i emblematyzm w muzułmańskich upamiętnieniach nagrobnych na ziemiach ludów turkijskichabstract (PDF)
  • 23 January 2023: dr Robert Mahler (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), People of power in the bioarchaeological perspective – abstract (PDF)
  • 6 February 2023: dr hab. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Manifestations of the postcolonial conflicts reflected in the costumes of African leaders – abstract (PDF)
  • 6 March 2023: Kinga Turkowska, M.A. (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), The monument of “Our Struggle” (Tiglachin) as an Ethiopian lieux de mémoire and its symbolic power – abstract (PDF)
  • 27 March 2023: dr hab. Kamil Kuraszkiewicz (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Pharaoh’s Immortality Machine. Funerary complex of Netjerykhet and ancient Egyptian concepts of afterlife – abstract (PDF)
  • 3 April 2023: dr Andreas Winkler (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Ordering the sky: Legitimacy and tradition in ancient Egyptian astral scienceabstract (PDF)
  • 8 May 2023: dr Joanna Ciesielska (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Życie w średniowiecznej metropolii: wstęp do badań izotopowych populacji Soba (in Polish; Living in a medieval metropolis: an introduction into isotopic landscape of Soba) – abstract (PDF)
  • 29 May 2023: dr Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), (In)Visible People: A bioarchaeological perspective on power, status, and children in the ancient Nile Valleyabstract (PDF)
  • 12 June 2023: dr Tomasz Michalik (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Between mental and material heritage Perception of medieval Nubian paintings by Sudanese and Western people – eye-tracking studyabstract (PDF)
  • 12 July 2021: prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt (Friedrich Schiller Universitat, Jena), Ethnohistorical research in the ancient highlands of Tigray – methods and results abstract (PDF)
  • 4 October 2021: mgr Maciej Wyżgoł (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW), Badania domostw w Starej Dongoli w okresie Fundż – abstract (PDF)
  • 8 November 2021: mgr D. Takács (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Liminality in ancient Egyptabstract (PDF)
  • 6 December 2021: dr hab. Krzysztof Jakubiak (Faculty of Archaeology, UW), Przypuszczalne przyczyny i konsekwencje ekspansji królestwa Urartu w kierunku doliny Araksu abstract (PDF)
  • 20 December: dr Javad Hoseinzadeh Sadati (Department of Archaeology, University of Kashan), Archaeological Heritage Management: Some Experiences from Sialk, Iran abstract (PDF)
  • 10 January 2022: prof. dr hab. Piotr Taracha (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), Wielki król kraju Hattusa. Pozycja społeczna i religijna władcy hetyckiego, zasady sukcesji, ideologia władzy królewskiej – abstract (PDF)
  • 7 March: dr Ewa Paśnik (Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW), dr Marta Żuchowska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW) Preliminary study on meditation caves of Upper Mustangabstract (PDF)
  • 14 March 2022: dr hab. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Faculty of Archaeology, UW) Nowy obszar badań w bioarcheologii: połączenie histologii z metodami izotopowymiabstract (PDF)
  • 25 April 2022: dr Robert Stark (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW) Old Dongola – bioarchaeological studiesabstract (PDF)
  • 9 May 2022: dr hab. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, UW) Nubian Authorities in Painted Church Decorationabstract (PDF)
  • 30 May 2022: dr Karel Innemée (Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam) The non-verbal communication of costumes of authority abstract (PDF)
  • 6 June 2022: dr Tomasz Michalik (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW) Jak zobaczyć przeszłość – badania nad wzrokowymi strategiami analizy danych archeologicznych (How to see the past – studies on visual strategies of archaeological data analysis) abstract (PDF)